Selection Tips To Help You Choose Your Next Granite Countertop

A great way to update your kitchen is with the installation of a new, beautiful granite countertop. This look will provide your kitchen with a glowing, gleaming counter with the beauty of natural granite and will provide you with a durable and long-lasting surface for your cooking and food prep needs. But to get the right look with your countertop, you need to understand some of the basic details of selecting and installing a granite countertop. Here are some tips to help you during this process to choose and install a new granite countertop.

Choose a Granite Slab

One of the first steps you will take when installing a new countertop is to select the slab that you want your countertop cut from. Many decorative stone suppliers for countertops will keep a warehouse full of slabs cut from a selection of beautiful natural stone. You can browse through the different colors of granite stone, whether you want to look for a darker piece or a light piece with natural dark veins throughout the slab. With every natural granite slab, the rock comes with its own distinct patterns and colors to make no two pieces alike. 

If you have a large area of countertop in your kitchen, keep in mind that will need an equally large granite slab. You might have to have it pieced together from more than one piece. Selecting a darker color of granite will help hide the connection seams in your finished countertop. However, no matter the color of granite or size, your installation professional will make your finished counter look amazing.

Decide On the Counter's Details

Once you have selected the slab for your kitchen countertops, you will need to look at some of the smaller details surrounding its installation. The edges of the countertop are one detail, and you can have them cut a variety of ways. The edges of the countertop do not need to be square, but if this is what you prefer, your installation professional will cut and smooth the edges of the counter into the traditional square shape. 

You can also choose to have the edges cut into a bullnose or a half-bullnose cut where the bottom edge of the counter is left squared. You can also go with an edge cut into a pencil round, where the edges are rounded off. But if you want a more decorative look, you might prefer another option for your granite countertop. To learn more about your options, contact a company like Granite & Marble Depot.

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Making Your Garden More Beautiful

About a year ago, it occurred to me that my yard needed a little bit of work. The weeds were growing quickly, the flowerbeds were unkempt, and some of the trees had grown out of control. In addition to making my yard look terrible, I was also concerned about the threat of falling branches, which is why I started focusing more seriously on making my garden more beautiful. I hired a team of professional landscapers to come out and make a few changes, and it was really incredible to see the difference that they were able to make. This blog is all about making your garden lush and beautiful.



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